Whether you’re a regular IGer or more of a Facebook fan, we know that a lot of you use social media to talk about 40acts. This year, we figured we’d make it slightly easier for you to tweet&go, with a bumper pack of images and suggested tweets.

Simply save (or pin!) any of these images and then reupload them to your networks to spread the word about this year’s challenge! Don’t forget to use the hashtag – #40acts!

Tweet these!

I’m giving up giving up this #Lent – I’m doing @40acts instead! Sign up at http://www.40acts.org.uk and take the challenge with me.  —-> Click to tweet

Change the world, one generous act at a time, with @40acts for #Lent. Find out more and sign up at 40acts.org.uk   —-> Click to tweet

40 days, 40 acts of generosity, 40 ways to impact my community. 100,000 people are doing @40acts for #Lent – join us! 40acts.org.uk  —-> Click to tweet

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Sign up to do Lent generously with 40acts!


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