What is it that gets you out of bed in the morning? What’s the driving force of your life? Whether it’s something you’ve got the privilege of already being involved in, or something aspirational that you’re still aiming at, having a passion lifts your life out of the mundane, gives you purpose, and connects you with the heart of God. 

(Depending on what they are, there may not be much you can physically do to utilise your passions at the moment. But why not spend the time you have at home reflecting on what your interests are and how you can use them to serve others in the future. Alternatively, it may give you more scope to try out something new!)

Green: Tell at least one person today about a cause or project that enthuses you. There may not be much you can physically do to act on your passions at the moment, but why not spend the time you have at home reflecting on what your interests are and how you can use them to serve others in the future. If you use social media, highlight it there too.

(Depending on what they are, there may not be much you can physically do to utilise your passions at the moment. But why not spend the time you have at home reflecting on what your interests are and how you can use them to serve others in the future. Alternatively, it may give you more scope to try out something new!)

Amber: Get up from the armchair and consider how you can take your passion further. Can you get involved in fundraising, donate on a regular basis, or volunteer for set times or specific projects in the future?

(Depending on what they are, there may not be much you can physically do to utilise your passions at the moment. But why not spend the time you have at home reflecting on what your interests are and how you can use them to serve others in the future. Alternatively, it may give you more scope to try out something new!)

Red: Step up and out! Do you have a talent or skill you can offer to a charity on a regular basis? Can you write promotional articles for them or speak up on their behalf, for example?

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.(Colossians 3:23 ESV)

I have a passion for bringing the Bible to life through theatre. My father, Peter Hutley, wrote the Wintershall plays about the life of Christ, and for the last thirty years I have been performing, searching for actors, props, and costumes and now producing the plays. It’s a real family affair with my mum, dad, siblings, in-laws, children and grandchildren taking part and other family members doing everything from driving mobility vehicles to leading animals in.

Over the years I have witnessed the wonderful reactions of the audiences, particularly at the Passion of Jesus performed in Trafalgar Square on Good Friday. The audience of 10,000 are drawn in by the portrayal of Jesus and many are deeply moved by the experience. I love to see the joy of the actors who are involved and those blissful moments watching the play come together after so much rehearsing and hard work. This is what keeps me coming back for more. Now that I’m in my 60s, there are days when I wonder why we do it or how we will manage it this year, but then I remember what the plays mean to so many and I keep going.

It takes character and conviction to stick with something you believe in and to see it through. One of our cast can only walk with a walking frame, and there she is each summer at Wintershall, taking part because it means so much to her. If she can do it so can we.

God has made each of us in his image and has a plan for each one of us. When we use the unique talents, abilities and interests he has given us to bless other people, we bring glory to him. So, whatever it is, find your passion in life, cherish it and share it with others.

Charlotte divides her time between Wintershall and Scotland. She and her husband, Rupert, catch up with their four grown-up children and four grandchildren as often as they can.
She is the producer of the Wintershall plays and trustee of the Wintershall charity. She is committed to Wintershall’s mission of bringing the Bible story to life through first-class drama.
website: www.wintershall.org.uk
twitter: @WintershallPlay

Today’s charity is: Wintershall

The Wintershall Charitable Trust shares the Jesus story to tens of thousands of people each year through epic productions of The Life of Christ, The Passion of Jesus and The Nativity.

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